ENZ-2023 expands ICC-ES global appraisal report offerings to the New Zealand Building Code (NZBC)

HALFEN HZA anchor channels and HALFEN HZS channel bolts are used as anchorage in concrete to resist static, wind, and seismic tension loads
Brea, CA – ICC Evaluation Service (ICC-ES) has issued their first Appraisal Report in compliance with the New Zealand Building Code (NZBC) to Leviat for their Halfen HZA anchor channels and HZS channel bolts, breaking into the New Zealand building sector.
Leviat is a global leader in anchoring, reinforcing, framing and façade fixing technology. Leviat has been a client of ICC-ES for nearly 20 years in several global markets. This new Appraisal Report by ICC-ES facilitates their entry into New Zealand by providing evidence of suitability with specified performance requirements of clauses: B1 Structure, B2 Durability, F2 Hazardous Building Materials.
“I look forward to helping our clients expand into the New Zealand market with products that are expertly evaluated by ICC-ES. Our Appraisal Reports ensure that products are compliant with regulations under the Building Act 2004. Noting the recent establishment of ICC Oceania, I also welcome the opportunity to provide similar services not only for our existing clients into Australia, but potential new domestic clients in both markets,” said Shahin Moinian, President of ICC-ES.
Evaluation Service Appraisal Reports produced by ICC Evaluation Service (ICC-ES) can be used as evidence of compliance with both the Australian National Construction Code (NCC) as well as the New Zealand Building Code (NZBC). Let ICC-ES facilitate your building product’s market entry in this region with our scope of services!
About ICC-ES
ICC-ES is the leading evaluation service for innovative building materials, components and systems. ICC-ES Evaluation Reports (ESRs), Building Product Listings and PMG Listings provide evidence that products and systems meet requirements of codes and technical standards worldwide, including the US, Canada, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand, and the MENA region. ICC-ES is a member of the ICC family of solutions.
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