ICC-ES PMG Exhibits at the Kitchen and Bath Expo in Shanghai, China
ICC-ES PMG Exhibits at the Kitchen and Bath Expo in Shanghai, China
Chinese manufacturers continue to seek ICC-ES PMG expertise in product certification
ICC Evaluation Service (ICC-ES PMG) had another successful year exhibiting at the 21st Kitchen and Bath Expo in Shanghai, China, receiving a number of new listing applications from manufacturers seeking ICC-ES PMG expertise for their kitchen and bath product certification needs.
The Kitchen and Bath China Expo was held in the Shanghai New International Expo Center (SNIEX) and is one of the largest trade shows in China, attracting attendees and exhibitors from all over the world.
“We received a lot of interest from many manufacturers who visited our booth to discuss their certification needs and how to gain market entrance to North America, resulting in a number of signed applications,” said ICC-ES PMG Staff Engineer Qiaoli Meng P.E. “It is because of our product expertise, low cost and ready acceptance that we are able to issue high quality listings in a timely manner.”
ICC-ES Staff also met with customers exhibiting at the show to discuss additional listings and future needs, with several of them displaying the ICC-ES PMG mark of conformity in their booths.
The ICC-ES PMG Listing Program is the premier product certification program for North America, certifying plumbing, mechanical and fuel gas products to the requirements of the International, Uniform and Canadian Codes and Standards. For more information please contact us at espmg@icc-es.org or 1-800-423-6587 ext. 7643.
A nonprofit, limited liability company, ICC-ES is the United States’ leading evaluation service for innovative building materials, components and systems. ICC-ES Evaluation Reports (ESRs), Building Product Listings and PMG Listings provide evidence that products and systems meet requirements of codes and technical standards. Reports from both listing programs are now accepted in Canada. The ICC-ES Environmental Programs issue VAR environmental reports that verify a product meets specific sustainability targets defined by today’s codes, standards, green rating systems and ICC-ES environmental criteria. The Environmental Programs offer Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) and validation/verification of EPDs to meet global market demand for science-based, transparent, quality-assured information about a product’s environmental performance. ICC-ES is a member of the ICC Family of Companies. For more information, please visit www.icc-es.org.