ANSI Announces ICC-ES Accreditation under Pilot Programs for Eco-Labeling, Environmental Product Declarations
ANSI Announces ICC-ES Accreditation under Pilot Programs for Eco-Labeling, Environmental Product Declarations
ICC-ES also accredited to validate, verify EPDs
The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Accreditation Committee deemed the ICC Evaluation Service (ICC-ES) as eligible Type III Program Operator in accordance with ISO 14020-2000, ISO 14025-2006, ISO 21930-2007 and its internal requirements. Moreover, ICC-ES’ Type III as a certification body that verifies/validates EPDs was accredited by ANSI under the requirements of ISO/IEC 17065-2012, ISO 14025-2006 and ISO 14020-2000. ICC-ES is one of the first four entities to receive both eligibility and accreditation for its Type III program under this Pilot Program.“Accreditation by ANSI creates a valuable attribute for certification bodies, program operators, and for certification bodies that validate/verify in the environmental labels/eco-labeling arena, and offers them a significant distinction from their competitors in the marketplace,” said Reinaldo Figueiredo, ANSI senior program director for product and process accreditation.
“This is a substantial achievement that reinforces the technical expertise, depth of knowledge and ongoing efforts of ICC-ES to provide more options and value to our clients,” said ICC-ES President, Shahin Moinian.
Type III Program operators must conform to the requirements and processes contained in ISO 14020, Environmental labels and declarations – General Principles, and ISO 14025, Environmental labels and declarations – Type III environmental declarations Principles and procedures and ISO 21930:2007, Sustainability in building construction-Environmental declaration of building product. In addition, eligible program operators must conform to ANSI procedures PRO-PR-165-ISO 14025, Requirements/Process to determine Eligibility of a Type III Environmental Declaration Program, and PRO-FR-104-ECO-ISO 14025, Application for Eligibility of Type III Environmental Declaration Programs.
Certification bodies accredited by ANSI to conduct validation/verification of EPDs are also required to comply with applicable requirements and processes found in ISO 14020, ISO 14025, and ISO/IEC 17065, Conformity assessment – Requirements for bodies certifying products, processes and services.
To learn more, call ICC-ES at 1-800-423-6587 ext. 1 to speak with a Connect+ Customer Care representative.
A nonprofit, limited liability company, ICC-ES is the United States’ leading evaluation service for innovative building materials, components and systems. ICC-ES Evaluation Reports (ESRs), Building Product Listings and PMG Listings provide evidence that products and systems meet requirements of codes and technical standards. Reports from both listing programs are now accepted in Canada. The ICC-ES Environmental Programs issue VAR environmental reports that verify a product meets specific sustainability targets defined by today’s codes, standards, green rating systems and ICC-ES environmental criteria. The Environmental Programs offer Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) and validation/verification of EPDs to meet global market demand for science-based, transparent, quality-assured information about a product’s environmental performance. ICC-ES is a subsidiary of the International Code Council® (ICC®). For more information, please visit