Environmental Criteria Development

Alternative Environmental Criteria Process

Environmental Criteria are developed by the ICC-ES technical staff in consultation with interested parties. New criteria and revisions to existing criteria may be developed through an alternative process that involves the solicitation of public comment through this website.

Criteria Posted for Public Comment: Forthcoming

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We invite you submit your comments to environmental@icc-es.org. Please make sure to identify the criteria in the subject line of the e-mail.

The alternative criteria process provides a means to periodically update existing environmental criteria and to seek comment from interested parties on new criteria that may be developed.

The alternative criteria process may be described as follows:

  1. As existing criteria are revised and/or new criteria are developed, drafts are posted to the ICC-ES website, where they are available for viewing and comment for 30 days.
  2. Through e-mail, ICC-ES notifies report holders, and anyone else who has requested notification, that criteria have been posted and are available for public comment.
  3. At the end of the 30-day posting, committee ballots and public comments are reviewed by the ICC-ES staff. Possible outcomes for each criteria are:
    a. Committee approval, followed by posting of the approved document to the ICC-ES website.
    b. Revisions to the proposed criteria, and reposting under the alternative process either for comments only or for comments and reballoting by the Environmental Committee.
    c. If serious questions are raised, a decision by the staff to take the proposal to a future public hearing of the Environmental Committee.
  4. After the review process, drafts may be revised before the document is finalized and posted to the ICC-ES Environmental Programs website. For more information, see Section 5.0 of the Rules of Procedure for the Environmental Committee.

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