Important Deadlines

Important deadlines for acceptance criteria going to the Evaluation Committee hearing

The deadlines noted below will be used by ICC-ES staff in preparing acceptance criteria for upcoming meetings. For staff to meet these deadlines, and to ensure that items have received adequate technical development and review, proponents of acceptance criteria must themselves meet certain deadlines. The firm deadline for a proponent to provide ICC-ES staff with a final written proposal and applicable supporting data is prior to the date the criteria are posted for public review, as listed below.

November 6, 2024
WebEx Event Hosted by ICC-ES

July 15, 2024
Prior to this date, criteria proposals from interested parties must be submitted to staff and approved by ICC-ES management for being processed at the hearing. By this date, draft letters and draft criteria shall be ready for internal review by ICC-ES management.
August 09, 2024
Staff posts criteria on web site for public review. E-Blast notice of committee meeting sent to public.
September 05, 2024
Public comments due to ICC-ES.
September 06, 2024
Public comments posted on website.
September 26, 2024
Rebuttal comments, from proponent only, due to ICC-ES.
September 27, 2024
Rebuttal comments posted on website.
October 10, 2024
Visual presentations due to ICC-ES.
May 23, 2024
Memos to Evaluation Committee and visual presentations posted on website.
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