NFPA 285 - Fire Propagation Test
Standard: Standard Fire Test Method for Evaluation of Fire Propagation Characteristics of Exterior Wall Assemblies Containing Combustible Components
Scope: This standard provides a test method for determining the fire propagation characteristics of exterior wall assemblies and panels used as components of curtain wall assemblies that are constructed using combustible materials or that incorporate combustible components.
The fire propagation characteristics are determined for post-flashover fires of interior origin.
Products: Exterior wall assemblies that are constructed using combustible materials or that incorporate combustible components.
Procedure/Result: NFPA 285 is a 30-minute test that ultimately results in one of two outcomes: Pass or Fail. For a wall assembly to pass NFPA 285, it must meet all the following criteria:
- No flame propagation to the interior of the second story.
- Flames did not reach 10-ft above the top of the window opening or 5 ft from the center line of the window in either direction.
- Thermocouples located throughout the assembly did not exceed designated temperatures.