ICC-ES AC274 Fiber Reinforced Plastic Pools and Spas
Standard: ICC-ES AC274 Acceptance Criteria for In-Ground, Residential, Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Swimming Pools and Permanently installed Plastic Spas
Scope: This acceptance criteria establishes procedures for recognition of in-ground, residential, fiber-reinforced plastic swimming pools and permanently installed residential plastic spas designed and constructed in accordance with ASSI/APSP-5 2011, for swimming pools and ANSI/APSP-3 1999, for plastic spas. This acceptance criteria applies to the prefabricated pools or spa shells only. Electrical, plumbing, pumping, and water heating equipment and decking are beyond the scope of AC274 and are required to be installed in accordance with the applicable code and the requirement so the code official.
Products: Fiber-reinforced plastic pools and spas

Procedure: ICC-ES AC274 contains several performance requirements. Spas must comply with IAPMO Z124.7 and Article V of ANSI/APSP-3 for each type, model, and size. For fiber-reinforced plastic pools, the following tests are required:
- Tensile Strength per ASTM D638
- Flexural Strength per ASTM D790
- Barcol Hardness Test per ASTM D2583
- Surface Examination
- Weathering Test
- Resistance to Chemicals per ASTM D543
Result: Passing all of the ICC-ES AC274 requirements allows applicable products to be evaluated for code compliance.