


下面所列截止日期将由ICC-ES工作人员用于准备即将在听证会上听取的认证标准. 为了使工作人员能够满足这些期限, 并确保认证标准得到充分的技术编写和审查, 认证标准提交者必须满足某些截止日期. 标准提交者需要在标准上网争取公众意见的九周前向ICC-ES工作人员提供最终书面提案和相关的支持数据.

November 6, 2024
WebEx Event Hosted by ICC-ES

July 15, 2024
Prior to this date, criteria proposals from interested parties must be submitted to staff and approved by ICC-ES management for being processed at the hearing. By this date, draft letters and draft criteria shall be ready for internal review by ICC-ES management.
August 09, 2024
Staff posts criteria on web site for public review. E-Blast notice of committee meeting sent to public.
September 05, 2024
Public comments due to ICC-ES.
September 06, 2024
Public comments posted on website.
September 26, 2024
Rebuttal comments, from proponent only, due to ICC-ES.
September 27, 2024
Rebuttal comments posted on website.
October 10, 2024
Visual presentations due to ICC-ES.
May 23, 2024
Memos to Evaluation Committee and visual presentations posted on website.
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