UL 1479 - Fire Tests of Penetration Firestops
Standard: UL 1479 Fire Tests of Penetration Firestops
Scope: UL 1479 covers requirements for through penetration firestops of various materials and construction that are intended for use in openings in fire-resistive walls, floor or floor-ceiling assemblies, and membrane-type penetration firestops of various materials and construction that are intended for use in openings in fire-resistive wall assemblies. The method of testing penetration consists of exposure of test samples to a fire of standard time and temperature and to an application of a hose stream. Optional tests include Air Leakage and Water Leakage Tests.
Products: Wall and Floor Systems, including Penetration Firestop Systems, Membrane-Penetration Firestop Systems, and Through-Penetration Firestop Systems
Procedure: The heat flow meter apparatus is comprised of a hot plate and a cold plate. The product is placed between the two plates, and the test equipment measures the heat flow from the hot plate through the product and the cold plate. The measured resistance of heat flow between the two plates is the product’s thermal resistance or R-value.
Result: Ratings are established based on the following:
- F-Rating: A penetration firestop shall remain in the opening during the fire test without permitting the passage of flame through openings or the occurrence of flaming on any element on the unexposed side of the sample and application of the hose stream test.
- T Rating: A penetration firestop shall remain in the opening during the fire test without transmission of excessive heat through the sample during the rating period and application of the hose stream test.
- L Rating: The leakage rate is determined from the air leakage test divided by the sample opening area.
- W Rating: During the water leakage test, no openings shall develop that would permit any leakage of water.