Emergency Vehicle and Automotive Testing

The ICC-ES Automotive Testing division serves vehicle manufacturers and component suppliers by offering tests to demonstrate compliance with the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS) and the Canada Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (CMVSS), as well as SAE International standards. This testing helps support National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) efforts to promote the safe use and manufacture of vehicles and vehicle equipment.
Automotive tests vary widely and include a variety of test types, such as structural testing of latches, seat anchorage, seat belts, door hinges, and crushing load tests of vehicle roofs. We also test other aspects of a vehicle such as windshield wipers, defrosting capabilities, cold engine start, flammability of interior materials, and safety load testing of hitches, couplers, and safety chains.
Typical test methods include:
- FMVSS 206 Door Locks and Door Retention Components
- FMVSS 207 Seating Systems
- FMVSS 210 Seat Belt Assembly Anchorages (often combined and conducted as a single FMVSS 207/210 test)
- FMVSS 217 Window Retention
- FMVSS 220 School Bus Rollover Protection (Roof Crush)
- FMVSS 225 Child Restraint Anchorage Systems
- FMVSS 302 Flammability of Interior Materials
- SAE J684 Ball Mounts/Weight Carrying Hitches/Couplers/Safety Chains
ICC-ES also provides testing for emergency vehicles. Every five years, each emergency vehicle model is required to be recertified, which requires some retesting as well. Additional testing is also needed when there are significant design changes. We test to all AMD standards and offer KKK-A-1822F inspection services to help manufacturers verify that their vehicles meet applicable requirements. We also provide drawing verifications, certification review services, and Star of Life certificates and submittal packages.