Expand your international reach into Australian and New Zealand markets
Ensure your product is Watermark certified and easily authorized for installation by local plumbing authorities.

ICC-ES PMG is accredited by the Joint Accreditation System of Australia and New Zealand (JASANZ) to certify plumbing and drainage products in accordance with the WaterMark scheme.
The WaterMark Certification Scheme is a mandatory national product certification scheme for specified plumbing and drainage products. The Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) administers the Scheme.
ICC-ES Watermark Certification can help meet local requirements in Australia.
The WaterMark Certification ensures products are fit for purpose and appropriately authorized for use in plumbing and drainage installations, under the Plumbing Code of Australia. Products covered by WaterMark are first evaluated and certified against product specifications, and then listed on the WaterMark product database. ICC-ES is an approved WaterMark Conformity Assessment Body (WMCAB). To learn more about WaterMark, click here.
ICC-ES PMG provides plumbing product certification all over the world. PMG listing report holders can benefit from building certifications for multiple geographies while maintaining the same quality service provider.
ICC-ES PMG is the premier product certification program, certifying Plumbing, Mechanical and Fuel Gas products to the requirements of International, Uniform and Canadian Codes and Standards. In addition to JASANZ, ICC-ES PMG is accredited by ANSI National Accreditation Board (ANAB) and the Standards Council of Canada (SCC) and can offer listings to meet all manufacturer certification needs in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Australia and New Zealand.
ICC-ES PMG is accredited by JASANZ to certify Lead Free Products under the WaterMark Scheme.
The Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) has restricted the allowable lead content in copper alloy plumbing products in contact with drinking water to ≤ 0.25%, as per clause A5G4 of NCC 2022 Volume Three (Plumbing Code of Australia).
Currently, manufacturers have a transition period, ending on 1 May 2026, to have their products marked with “Lead Free WaterMark”. From 1 May 2026, these provisions will be in effect, and only products that comply with the new requirements will be authorised for installation in Australia.

ICC-ES has a long history of evaluating plumbing products to conform to NSF/ANSI/CAN 372 lead standards and can certify specified plumbing products to meet the new Lead Free WaterMark standards.
Contact us today to have your plumbing products certified to meet these new requirements.
Click here for the ICC-ES PMG Rules of Procedure for WaterMark Product Listings/Certification.

When it comes to code compliance, the ICC-ES PMG mark is a global symbol of quality.